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Getting Started

What is CommandBlock?

CommandBlock is a Rust-based library designed to handle various Minecraft-related data formats, including NBT (Named Binary Tag) data, Anvil data, and region files. This library is a work in progress and is currently not recommended for production use. It is made public for the purpose of contribution and collaboration.

The library is currently available on, be advised the library is currently in the process of being documented, and will be made available on once it is ready.


To install CommandBlock, add the following to your Cargo.toml file:

commandblock = "0.4.1"

Alternatively, you can use the cargo add command to add the dependency to your Cargo.toml file:

cargo add commandblock


This library is currently in the process of being documented. For now, you can refer to the following examples to get started:

Reading and Manipulating NBT data from a file

use commandblock::nbt::{
    read_from_file, write_to_file,
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::path::PathBuf;

// Read NBT data from a file
let path = PathBuf::from("./tests/data/bedrock_level.dat");
let (name, mut value) = read_from_file(path, Compression::Uncompressed, Endian::Little).unwrap();

// Manipulate the NBT data which automatically converts to NbtValue's
value.insert("test".to_string(), "Hello, world!");

let mut inner_compound = HashMap::new();
inner_compound.insert("isTest".to_string(), NbtValue::Byte(1));
inner_compound.insert("numberTests".to_string(), NbtValue::Int(123));
value.insert("test2".to_string(), inner_compound);

// Write the manipulated NBT data to a new file
let path = PathBuf::from("./tests/data/test.dat");
write_to_file(Some(&name), value, path, Compression::Uncompressed, Endian::Little).unwrap();